Friday, October 5, 2012

    So tonight I got a wicked good pep talk from my sister ( Tee )who also gave me alittle publicity and that's awesome! I am really excited to know there's support out there .I haven't got any kind of weight surgery but I so need to lose.I have been dieting on and off since umm like I was 12 LOL! It feels that way but what I wouldn't do to have my body if my teen back to reality!  I hate the way I look now ,the way I feel, it just makes me not even wanna buy clothes! (I do wear them though legally I have to) but who wants to be a delicate size 16 jeans !!
  I guess I'm just looking to be a normal size 12 again. My actual "goal" weight is 165lbs , which feels so far away! Lets see...
 Right now I'm 235lbs so that leaves me the job/journey of losing
70 POUNDS ...OMG!! Thats umm big numbers baby! So we'll see , I told Tee (my aforementioned sister) that I think blogging will help me because I'll have to answer to youguys and be like "So I ate a half gallon of ice cream and a 6 pack of tacos! But I wont be saying that exactly..but I know I'll have a few bitchy "So I had an ice cream whateva!" blogs, LOL oh and before I "sign off" I dont know if that blog talk?? ...either way if youguys got ANY tips about anything dieting,blogging,exercising, ways to fry chicken (that last one was a joke,I know how to fry chicken ;p


  1. 1 lil tip I have is dont let the "food pushers' in your life throw you off your path, they dont want to sabotage but they usually just want to say "hey I love you the way you are you can eat this", but they have to remember you are doing it for you, not them, so their acceptence and snack pushing is not helping you... thats something I deal with and I know you do too so fight it. carry on lol

  2. I wish I had good advice for you; I just do the best I can and remember that success (or failure) is one choice at a time.
